Collège Greystone Montréal : Notre toute première étudiante, Simran, parle de son programme. En janvier dernier, le Collège Greystone Montréal a officiellement ouvert ses portes, accueillant la toute première étudiante du programme d'attestation d'études collégiales (AEC) en gestion des affaires internationales. Cette étudiante s'appelait Simran. Originaire de l'Inde et ayant une formation en études commerciales, elle...
Teaching and Transferable Skills Through TESOL
There are many different reasons why students join our teacher training programs, from the goal of becoming an English teacher, to developing and improving on their public speaking skills. Whatever the reason, every journey is exciting! Meet some of our students, and learn about their goals and experience in our TESOL programs. Montserrat Romo,…
How to find your Co-op position: Start Early, and Get Support!
In the first post in this 2-part series on the co-op experience, we talked to Liliana Ventura, a Greystone College student from Mexico, to learn about her experience finding a co-op position for her Diploma in International Business Management. As a career college, Greystone is focused on providing educational programs that give students a…
A GSC Co-op student volunteering in the 2018 Vancouver Marathon
Written by Enrique Garibay, International Business Management Diploma student, originally from Mexico. On Sunday May 6th, 2018, I participated in the Vancouver Marathon as a volunteer. After sharing a picture of the water station at the event, Duni Bayona, Marketing and Communications Assistant at Greystone College (GSC) invited me to write this article for…
Récapitulatif de l'événement des anciens élèves
On Wednesday Nov 22nd, Greystone College Vancouver hosted the annual alumni event. This year 2017, Greystone is celebrating its 15th birthday, so it was even more special to gather with our graduates. Those that could not join us in person were also able to be part of the celebration. All alumni had the opportunity to…
Alumni Stories – Lisa Schneider, TESOL TKT Certificate
I studied the TESOL TKT program at Greystone College Vancouver three years ago. It was a very nice time and I could learn a lot from my two teachers Lara and Csilla. During my time at Greystone I also made friends with the classmates and I am still in contact with some of them. After…
Témoignages d'anciens élèves - Louis Chen, Diplôme en communication d'entreprise en alternance
Wei-Lu (Louis) Chen, graduate in Diploma in Business Communications Co-op During my study in Business Communications program at Greystone College back in 2015-2016, I learned to accomplish everything I have ever wanted after coming back to my country Taiwan. In business program, the teacher was extremely helpful in personal branding and social networking skills also…
Alumni Stories – Renata Barros, Customer Service Co-op
I studied Customer Service at Greystone College from February 2016 to February 2017, and my experience was amazing. I was a teacher back in Brazil, so I didn’t have many skills that could help me deal with customers in Vancouver the way I was supposed to. Greystone helped me with that a lot. I started…
My Experience at Greystone College Career Fair
Is this your first Career Fair in Canada? You don’t really know what to expect? A job fair is your chance to meet a dozen of companies and maybe get interviewed, all in just a few hours! This is me Ricardo Martinez. You probably don’t know…
Des employeurs de premier plan sélectionnent des étudiants qualifiés de Greystone à l'occasion d'un salon de l'emploi
Le salon des carrières 2016 du Greystone College s'est tenu au campus de Downtown Vancouver Contribution de Sarah Pollard, conseillère du programme Coop au Greystone College Vancouver Imaginez rencontrer vos futurs employeurs sous un même toit, dans l'environnement familier de votre campus. Le 28 octobre, le campus de Greystone s'est transformé en salle d'exposition pour...