What happens in an Introduction to Management course?
The Introduction to Management course at Greystone College Vancouver happens twice a year. If you study business in Vancouver, you can build international connections that can transform your career.
Building on the belief that the purpose of businesses and organizations, in general, is to solve society’s problem, students identified four industries of interest: Transportation, Education, Recycling and Media; in addition, one team was assigned to design a start-up project.
Two companies or organizations were identified for each industry.
- MIT online: an older institution exploring new methods of education delivery
- The Khan Academy: the accidental tutoring service started when investment banker Sal Khan helped his cousin using YouTube
(An interesting note is that our students overwhelmingly prefer an in-person learning experience for its social value and speed of response)
- The City of Vancouver known for its long-term commitment to changing its citizens’ habits
- Gazelle.com: the innovative recycler of electronic devices
The start-up exploration team examined starting a new type of restaurant in the Vancouver market. The project received enthusiastic approval from our students. We will not reveal any more details as it may end up as a real business…
As the course progressed, the five teams researched and analyzed how the various management concepts applied to their various companies. This culminated with excellent presentations demonstrating an in-depth understanding of management concepts as applied to their respective assignments.
If you want to get a feel of our business classes, contact us and schedule a trial lesson.