When choosing a college, it’s essential to look beyond the classroom and ask yourself one key question: how will this experience prepare me for the real world? At Greystone College Canada, we understand that the answer lies in hands-on learning for career success. Our programs don’t just teach theory — they provide students with practical…
My first business trip.
In my previous post, I wrote about the second part of my program, my internship. I would now like to share with you a bit more of my routine in the office. Since starting my internship a month ago, I have been working on several projects with different clients and departments. I’ve been observing my…
What I learned from Greystone College’s TESOL and TKT YL programs
When I first started I had one year of experience in the Ontario Teacher Certification program at University of Toronto, I still felt in disadvantage as an international student as most of my classmates already had teaching experience in Canada. I took TESOL 130 in the Toronto campus and TKT-YL in the Vancouver campus.…